Steve : Up and out at a reasonable hour and on our way…
First requirement of the day was breakfast at A Pena and it was here that we experience our first peregrino traffic jam. The new influx of peregrinos at Sarria has overwhelmed the local bakery. We loiter for nearly an hour here. But the bread is very fresh and very good…

And then – glory be! – we reach the 100km marker!

It’s a pleasant walk on a cool day. We meet up with an American couple who are quick to apologize for Donald Trump (a common theme with Americans on the Camino)…
…and we stroll into Portomarin.
We eat spag bol (veggie version) at a cafe and carry on out the other side.
This is good farmland…
We come across a number of impromptu roadside ‘shrines’, the reasons for which are never clear.
We arrive in Gonzar just before 3pm. We are lucky to find the last three spaces in the albergue and so we do the rinse, repeat thing and wile away the afternoon reading.
Early to bed.
We’re getting close!