3 days and counting…

Steve: I was ready for this about a month ago.  Not so sure now…

Last week whilst walking around London I did ‘something’ to my left foot. To my 2nd metatarsal to be precise.  I came back home to Perthshire and limped from doctor’s appointments to x-rays at Perthshire Royal Infirmary and visits to various podiatrists.  As of the last podiatrist appointment, yesterday afternoon, I have bits and pieces glued to the insoles of my Merrell Chameleon and Salewa walking shoes.  These additions appeared to work and I danced a very bad jig.

In my, ahem, training for the Camino I’ve been trying to walk at least 10km on 6 days in a week.  That’s been easy – I have two large dogs that need the exercise and nag me incessantly to get out of the house, and Perthshire is a splendid place to go for a walk.

But last night I took my beleaguered left foot out for another 10km walk and managed only 6 before deciding it wasn’t a good idea.  Is 790km (that’s 500 miles for you who prefer old money) do-able?


Sunday morning at 7:05am we are due on a plane from Edinburgh to Biarritz.  As of the time of writing I’m going.

Introduction to Hamish, Jen and Steve

In June 2017 Hamish, Jen and Steve are walking the Camino de Santiago, taking the Camino Frances route, from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France to Santiago de Compostella in north west Spain.

Jen is an expert – she walked this route last summer and it’s a picture of her, taken last year in Bercianos de Real Camino, that graces the home page.  She has the huge advantage of being young.

Hamish is Jen’s other half.  He’s a little uncertain about the whole thing but he’s in his final year at Edinburgh Uni and doesn’t finish exams until 36 hours before we leave and so he hasn’t really thought about it…

Steve is Jen’s father and does not have the advantage of being young. A 56 year old, balding, slightly overweight diabetic with a sore left foot.  What could go wrong?